Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mothers know best....

Like a natural instinct, Mama called this morning to ask how I'm doing on the dissertation. Being so busy lately, I haven't actually got the time to call her since I got back. It was such a relief to hear her voice after all I went through these past few weeks.

Surprisingly, Mama could sense that I was under a lot of stress. Its a super-natural thing that she posessed, mind you she has never touched a computer, let alone surfing the net and read my blog! But, she could sense that I was thinking way too much on other "un-urgent" things, and ended up not giving full concentration on my dissertation... "That's why la you stress so much and can never finish your dissertation!", she said.

Being the I'm-always-right daughter, I could have just defended myself... but today, I just kept quiet and admitted that this time, Mama's right! She was lecturing me on why should we all stress ourselves worrying for something that is too distant, but couldn't see the priorities in front of our eyes.... which is true.

I HAVE been busy worrying about other un-urgent matters, especially on looking for a house and housemate in Leatherhead. But like Mama said, this can wait as I will only move there in November. Then, I got all stressed out on the 'moving-house' bit, thinking of all the boxes, packing and shipping. I also got caught up with the thought of the final cleaning inspection for my apartment. The funny thing is, all the above are due way past my dissertationn due date!

Come to think of it, if I don't keep myself busy with the "other" things, I actually have ample time to submit a really good project- a potential distinction if I want.

So, Mama, I thank you and I promise that from today onwards, I will give my 100% on completing my dissertation on time. As for the "other" things, they can just sod-off!

1 comment:

Lorena said...

My Mami, is the same way! Also working on my dissertation and it is funny because we have the same template for our blog...Best of luck on your deadline, I have until May to complete mine...Greetings from San Francisco.