Friday, August 25, 2006

Dissertation Progress - 4 days to go (???)

"What the...????" you may ask. No, I'm not going crazy until I can't count properly anymore... (though I do admit that I will get insane by the coming weekend)... but, Dr Pasir wants me to submit a full draft to him on Tuesday. Yes, a FULL draft! I have to, he says. No excuses coz he will be away the rest of the week and might not see me until the deadline submission.

So, I spent the whole day in uni yesterday and today doing last minute simulations that he wanted. Too bad I can't get to finish 1 more simulation (which, by the way is the most important one!). I will just have to settle that on Tuesday, but will prepare for it nevertheless.

Last night I was working full speed, coming up with the story board on what to put in my Chapters. I'm so glad I did it coz it gave me a better insight on what to put and how to arrange my writing. The only problem with yours truly is that I am a perfectionist. I suffer the following symptoms:
1) I work too long on a sentence to make it perfect. Ended up exhausted after just 1 paragraph!
2) I procrastinate to choose the perfect time and state of mind to actually start the work. Ended up not starting it at all!
3) I get so worried that my dissertation won't be perfect. Ended up all stressed out and can't concentrate.

Though perfection is good, but it is far too hazardous when you only have 4 days to finish the damn thing! I was going through the internet to get some help and I found this:

"Its better to complete a good enough piece of work ON TIME, rather than procrastinate to dream of the perfect piece that you will never achieve"

So stop wasting time Adita and just do it!!!

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