Saturday, August 19, 2006

Dissertation Progress - 16 days to go

Starting from today, I will write-up my progress for my dissertation till submission on 4th Sept to the printers. So, bear with me on the daft bloggings from now on. Its the only way for me to monitor & curb my procrastination disease. I will start writing interesting stuff once I get this bloody dissertation submitted!

Progress at 10.45am:
Woke up fairly early at 8am (though I planned to wake up at 6, considering I slept at 10.30pm last night!). Had a hearty nasi breakfast with ayam kapitan. Had my shower and started to move all my work away from my bedroom... I think my bedroom feng-shui is not that good for productivity.

Started editing Chapters 1 & 2. No formal write-ups yet, but at least I've started something. As usual, being the over-compulsive organiser, I have printed out my colourful checklists and schedules to make sure I'm on track. I aim to spend this weekend to finish off the key chapters- Methodology, Results & Discussion so that I can present them to Dr Pasir on Monday.

Progress at 1.45pm:
The weather's not helping in my motivation- it has been raining non-stop since morning. I'm still slow, but making progress. I'm trying to gather the momentum... though I think my attention span is somewhat decreasing now...

Progress at 3.45pm:
Just finished editing Chapter 3. Took a short break when good old friend Kraznee called. Borak for a while. Tried to contact Hubby but to no avail.. Hmmm, where could he be in Malaysia not answering my calls on a happening Saturday night?? >:/

Progress at 5.45pm:
Just got home from my afternoon walk-ercise to Rusholme Blockbuster Video store. I so needed the fresh air. I rented 2 new DVDs and will ONLY watch it AFTER I finish Chapter 4.... Managed to get hold of Hubby on the phone :)

Progress at 6.45pm:
Still at page 1 Chapter 4. Mind goes blank.... (yawn)... still blank.

Progress at 7.00pm:
err.... watching DVD...

Progress at 10.00pm:
OK, feeling guilty after the DVD. Thus, so bersemangat to go back to where I left of earlier- page 1 Chapt 4!

Progress at 10.30pm:
Hmmm... mind goes blank again. Staring at page 1 Chapt 4... (yawn)

Progress at 10.45pm:

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