Saturday, July 01, 2006

Its July, why am I not in panic?

Yup, its officially July already. Unfirtunately, I haven't started anything credible for my dissertation. The worrying bit is that I'm not even sweating or panicking at all... and that worries me.

I had a movie marathon last night, finishing 3 DVDs I rented from Blockbuster... ahhh, Blockbuster's a bliss.. more reasons to procrastinate to finish the dissertation.

I do realise that starting this month I have to work 9 to 5 in uni to finish my project. I have 25 days left, before I leave for KL and holiday. That must be the only motivation to start my project soon, as I will not have anymore time dah... There seems to be so much to do, but why am I so malas to start... aiyoh... must start building the momentum la.. how ah???

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