Monday, July 24, 2006

Sober over Saber

I woke up really early this morning (thanks to my sleeping pills) and got off to uni to present Dr Pasir with my report. Unfortunately, he wants me to re-do the work and present the new simulation case instead. I was like huh???... apa ni??? I spent hours last night preparing the old case, and now he wants the new case pulak???

So, the next couple of hours, I was pestering the PhD students to help me install Saber in my brand new Windows in a Mac... However, today is just not my day as it didn't install properly on my Mac. I was so tension!!! I spent £100 to put this bloody Windows in, and at the end I can't even install the bloody Saber software!!

So, I decided to do my simulation marathon, non-stop 50 simulations from 12.30 to 7pm. I really wanna get this done and over with!! So tension la macam ni, kalau tak sempat now... I'll never get my dissertation sorted. I was the last one to leave uni and nearly got locked inside!

So, now I'm back home and trying to install it in my old dusty Dell.. hope it works. My Dell is so slow, considering there's only 6GB left anyways. Had to use the long-cut way of transferring the files from the CD to the external HD and then back into the Dell PC... all this hard work because my darling Hubby jahanam-kan the CD drive... thanks a lot dear >:/

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