Today is a special day for me. Since I've been down with a bad flu for the last couple of days, I realised I have put a lot of things on hold. So, I managed to catch up and cleared my laundry (at last!), cleared the rubbish and cleared the piling dishes. I even prepared myself (for the first time ever!) PROPER breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I was catching up with my 4 courseworks - managed to finish one and started 2 of them today. I plan to finish them tonight, and save one more for next week.
I was also catching up on the details for my cousin's coming trip this April. I was really worried about their trip here, since they are arriving at a very bad time (middle of my study break!). But, its all sorted now - I think I've planned their perfect holiday. I didn't want to totally abandon my studies, just to bring them around all the time... so I managed to squeeze some time off for myself as well.
But my highlight of the day was when I managed to catch up with a special girlfriend of mine, whom I have not seen nor heard from quite a while. I missed her and its really good to get to talk to her again. I realised that no matter what happens in our lives - good or bad or no matter how busy and hectic life is, it's always nice to be with your girlfriends again at the end of the day. Men can come and go... but your girlfriends stick with you through thick & thin.
I'm trying to catch up with my studies too since I'm 2 days behind of schedule now. I am quite nervous if I don't have time to cover all the subject before the exams. I will stop counting the days, but will make the days count! Anyways, I'm having a tutorial tommorrow morning and I haven't even looked at it yet. Got to get back to work now... I still have a LOT more to catch up!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
I hate fevers!!!!

Its official - I am not well. Thanks to Nizam and Serina (hehe), I'm experiencing all the symptoms of a bad fever. High temperature, congested nose, headache and a bad mood.
Last night I dozed off with some paracetamols and woke up this morning feeling really heavy and irritated. I couldn't concentrate in my class and couldn't wait till lunch break to go home and rest. I took a cab home, gulped more paracetamols and literally fainted off in bed. I misssed my afternoon lectures, but I didn't regret it - I so needed the rest.
When I woke up, I had to go to work. I'm a student warden here in my accommodation and every Friday evenings, I have to work at the reception. Oh my God, so much work left for me to finish.... Time passed so fast that by the time I'm almost done with work, it was 8pm already!
Now, I have to settle all my chores (my house is in a mess!), do my laundry, finish my courseworks and start studying for the exams.... but my fever is really slowing me down. I hate it!!!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Down cold on a sunny day...
Today, its absolutely lovely outside. The sun is shining so brightly, and no signs of rain at all. Its the perfect weather for a day out.
Unfortunately, I'm down with a flu.... its quite frustrating... my head's heavy, my nose's stuffy and my sight's a bit blurry... My temperature's increasing...
I made myself a nice bowl of chicken and mushroom soup, with ginger tea... made me a bit better. Now, I'm off to my doses of paracetamols.
Unfortunately, I'm down with a flu.... its quite frustrating... my head's heavy, my nose's stuffy and my sight's a bit blurry... My temperature's increasing...
I made myself a nice bowl of chicken and mushroom soup, with ginger tea... made me a bit better. Now, I'm off to my doses of paracetamols.
Monday, March 20, 2006
For the 1st time, I slept in class.....
Oh my god, I'm usually really alert in class - busy taking notes and listening attentively... however, today I was really sleepy! I had a bar of snickers in the morning and 2 cups of coffee.. and still I dozed off in Economics class today... I was in dreamland, when I realised the lecture was a few slides ahead already!
Maybe because I was tired and worried. I got my exam schedule today and I found out that I have a back-to-back exams on the 4th & 5th of May. I wasn't in a good mood either - had a bad hair day, my handphone got blanked and I forgot to bring my light blue pen to the class. So, I accidentally fumed out to my classmate, Kuih... kesian dia, tak pasal-pasal kena... Sorry dearie... your comments just rubbed salt in my wound tadi.
Anyways, when I got home I felt so much better after I talked it out with my darling Hubby. He's always the good listener, my Hubby. Can't live without him.... he always managed to calm me down whenever I'm all fired up.
Tonight I feel so much refreshed. I washed my hair (with treatments & deep-mask conditioner) and it feels good... Now, I'm really into finishing my coursework. I'm trying my best to finish all my courseworks by the end of this week. So, I can start my studies for the tutorial session next week. I've got a busy Easter break coming and I have to make sure I'm prepared well.
OK, got to keep meself busy now. Wish me luck!
Maybe because I was tired and worried. I got my exam schedule today and I found out that I have a back-to-back exams on the 4th & 5th of May. I wasn't in a good mood either - had a bad hair day, my handphone got blanked and I forgot to bring my light blue pen to the class. So, I accidentally fumed out to my classmate, Kuih... kesian dia, tak pasal-pasal kena... Sorry dearie... your comments just rubbed salt in my wound tadi.
Anyways, when I got home I felt so much better after I talked it out with my darling Hubby. He's always the good listener, my Hubby. Can't live without him.... he always managed to calm me down whenever I'm all fired up.
Tonight I feel so much refreshed. I washed my hair (with treatments & deep-mask conditioner) and it feels good... Now, I'm really into finishing my coursework. I'm trying my best to finish all my courseworks by the end of this week. So, I can start my studies for the tutorial session next week. I've got a busy Easter break coming and I have to make sure I'm prepared well.
OK, got to keep meself busy now. Wish me luck!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
A quiet & relaxing weekend

I must admit, this weekend was very quiet and relaxing for me. Though I did go out to town on Saturday, but I didn't rush like I always did. I woke up very early, checked my mail (oh, and received my new Morgan puffa jacket), washed my hair, took my time getting ready and went to town. Didn't actually splurge, just bought the necessity toiletries and some groceries.
When I went home, I indulged myself with warm pita bread dipped with homous and cuddled up with a cup of tea and my NOW magazine. By 9.30pm, I tertidur and woke up at 10am on Sunday morning!
Though I was angry at myself for sleeping more than 12 hours, I'm not regretting it now coz I really needed the sleep. I was not sleeping too well for the past week, too busy staying up late finishing my coursework and worrying sick about Boboy.
Today, I started my EEPS12 coursework and am taking my time to finish it. I know I have to speed things up though, I have another coursework due and I haven't started my revision for the exams...
Starting next week I can't afford a lazy weekend anymore. Two courseworks to hand-in, 4 modules to start studying and a week's holiday to plan for Nurul coming in April. Oh, and my laundry's piling up too...
Oh well, better enjoy my lazy weekend then.... just wished my darling Hubby was here, spending it with me :(
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Boboy recovering... and so am I

Thank you to my darling Hubby to keep me updated with Boboy's progress. Boboy's doing really well now, he's starting to eat his medicine and the wound's getting much better. He's still limping but at least the wound is healing. Here is his latest shot, looking bored and restless in his cage. Sorry, sayang... the doctor said just one week OK.. We'll let you run free when your leg gets better.
As for myself, I'm recovering from post-depressions and bad lucks since yesterday. I managed to finish 80% of my coursework and will be very busy tonight completing it and printing it out for submission tomorrow.
I'm planning not to go out at all this weekend as I need to catch up with the other courseworks due next week. Also, I have to start revising for the exams. Tomorrow night there's a party for one of our flat friend's birthday. So malas lah want to go.... I guess I'm getting older and parties just seems to be not exciting to me already.
My classmate, D'ni borrowed my notes today since she missed the class yesterday to attend an important job interview. She's the top student in class and I always admire her. She's so smart-lah... how ah??? She always manages to ask very good questions in class and have very constructive comments on the lectures. It made me wonder, how can I get to her level - she's always studying! I have to make her my inspiration to do well in my coming exams. If she can do it, I know I can... I just the have to have the will like she does.
Also, I plan to stop smoking. I had chest pains this morning and it made me so worried. Apparently, its not cool anymore to smoke nowadays. Out of 40 people in class, only 3 left still smoking. There were 6-7 people last semester, but most gave up already. Hmmm.... I guess its not as hard as people think then... Again, if they can do it, so can I.
OK, have to go to finish my courseworks. Starting this weekend, I'm hoping to make a big change - study harder and reduce smoking. I have to do it!!!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Everything is so wrong today???!!!
I just don't know why, but everything just don't seem to be right today. Whatever I've done yesterday seems to be of carelessness that I realised today. First, I deposited RM300, instead of the required RM200 to Zeera's account, then I got the wrong date for Zeera's visit, and lastly I reaalised that I emailed a job vacancy from Rolls Royce to all my Petronas and Promuda friends??? All this mistakes, I didn't realise till today!
I also know that I'm now far lagging behind from my classmates. I haven't finish my EEPS11 coursework, haven't started my EEPS12 coursework and haven't even filed my other subjects, let alone study them!!!! I have to keep up lah. I'm so angry at myself for wasting so much precious time lately. I think I have to start being a bit selfish now, coz time is running out and I have so much to finish.
I'm now in the computer lab waiting for my next assignment. I will strive to understand and finish it today, so I can spend the rest of the week to finish all my courseworks!!! No more wasting time! I can do it!!!
I also know that I'm now far lagging behind from my classmates. I haven't finish my EEPS11 coursework, haven't started my EEPS12 coursework and haven't even filed my other subjects, let alone study them!!!! I have to keep up lah. I'm so angry at myself for wasting so much precious time lately. I think I have to start being a bit selfish now, coz time is running out and I have so much to finish.
I'm now in the computer lab waiting for my next assignment. I will strive to understand and finish it today, so I can spend the rest of the week to finish all my courseworks!!! No more wasting time! I can do it!!!
Monday, March 13, 2006
My Boboy is recovering....

Boboy's home now. Alhamdulillah, the doctors said that he's going to be OK. They managed to sterilise the wound and gave him antibiotics prescription throughout the week. They also advised that Boboy should be kept in his cage for the week to heal faster.
Hubby told me that Boboy was crying all the way home until he nearly lost his voice. I was crying as well when I hear him on the phone. I really felt bad that I wasn't with him.
But, syukur Alhamdulillah, Boboy is recovering slowly. Here are some of his pictures at home, sent by my darling Hubby...

Sunday, March 12, 2006
My Boboy is in the hospital :(

Last Friday, darling Hubby called and said Boboy seems to be limping on his front leg and looked really depressed lately. Mama & Hubby got really worried and they brought him to the vet this morning. Turned out, Dr Siva found a cut on Boboy's front leg and suspected he got an infection out of it. His temperature was high as well. Thus, Dr Siva recommended Boboy to be warded for the night to be treated.
I'm so worried about him. You see, Boboy's not used to not sleeping on his bed and not eating his pasar tani fish. Furthermore, he's not used to not having all of us around as well. I have this uneasy feeling that Boboy is not comfortable at all at this moment and he's missing home badly. Poor Boboy, I wish I could be there with him now to just give him that comforting hug and kiss him to say it's gonna be OK..... I miss him so much now :(
Dr Siva also mentioned that Boboy's getting older and that we should watch his diet more carefully now. Suddenly, that made me realise how fast my dear Boboy has grown up. It just felt like yesterday when he was just a baby kitten. It also made me realise that he might not have a lot of time left and I'm angry at myself that I am being so far from him! I took him for granted that he's always gonna be there when I come home.... and that's being so selfish of me.
I'm so sorry that I'm not with you, sayang. Mama miss you so much and Mama promise that when Mama balik, Mama akan jaga Boboy, OK. Mama will never hurt you and leave you all alone again.... Get well soon, sayang.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Shopped till I dropped :)

Yesterday, I was happy at the tutorials because I was the only one who actually did it at Dr Kapas's class... Plus, we managed to convince him to postpone the coursework deadline to next week... hooray!!! Dr Kapas was also kind enough to give us tips on how to do the simulation models of the coursework, which was very helpful.
Thus, to celebrate I went shopping at Cheshire Oaks with Serina, Nizam, Nomi and Malan. Wow, the place was HUGE!!!! So much stuff on sale and I went mad. I was wearing my 3inch heels boots and I didn't even felt the pain of walking the whole 5 hours going from shop to shop, coz I was busy shopping!
I bagged myself really good bargains- bought a nice brown jacket and couple of tops at NEXT, a Levi's gillet, Thornton chocolates and some accessories from Ted Baker, Accesorize and Claire's. When we got home, they all had dinner at my place and berborak till late. I really had a good time. I was so tired that I slept with all my shopping bags on the bed, couldn't even move a muscle to tidy up and wash my face.
I literally shopped till I dropped!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
So much to do, so little time!!!
After my decision to drop Dynamics last week, I've spent the whole weekend at home re-organising my life- updated my study schedules, kemas the house and filing my notes. I must say I'm quite pleased with my discipline level, staying late at night actually studying Insulation Coordination!!! Though I'm stuck with my PSCAD simulation coursework - it doesn't seem to run properly... I'm so mad! >:/
I thus decided to spent my nights doing my tutorials instead. I'm taking it slow and steady, though I take quite regular breaks in between. I must finish it tonight coz tomorrow I'll meet Dr Kapas. I don't wanna be left behing like last semester, so I'm trying really hard to stick to my study schedule as much as I can.
I got very motivated when I called up Cikia today and found out he already completed his coursework.... I was like, "What??? Apa ni??? Orang lain semua tak boleh buat - dia dah habis dah?!"... this is so unacceptable! I must study harder now coz I wanna beat him this semester.
Oh, and I FINALLY receive my GHD today!!! So excited!!! If there wasn't a tutorial tomorrow, I'll be spending the night doing my hair.... I'll sacrifice it for the love of Dr Kapas's tutorial...
On another note, I'm a bit worried about my Hubby. Lately, he seems to be working really late till the early hours of the morning. A bit too over la if you ask me... Hubby should be thankful that I'm not back home now, or I'll definitely go mad if he's not home by mid-night. I mean, how can they let him work that late?? Its so unacceptable >:/
Sorry-la, I am in a bit-of-bitchy mode this whole week, I must say... hmmm...must be because of my jadual berkala coming soon...
I thus decided to spent my nights doing my tutorials instead. I'm taking it slow and steady, though I take quite regular breaks in between. I must finish it tonight coz tomorrow I'll meet Dr Kapas. I don't wanna be left behing like last semester, so I'm trying really hard to stick to my study schedule as much as I can.
I got very motivated when I called up Cikia today and found out he already completed his coursework.... I was like, "What??? Apa ni??? Orang lain semua tak boleh buat - dia dah habis dah?!"... this is so unacceptable! I must study harder now coz I wanna beat him this semester.
Oh, and I FINALLY receive my GHD today!!! So excited!!! If there wasn't a tutorial tomorrow, I'll be spending the night doing my hair.... I'll sacrifice it for the love of Dr Kapas's tutorial...
On another note, I'm a bit worried about my Hubby. Lately, he seems to be working really late till the early hours of the morning. A bit too over la if you ask me... Hubby should be thankful that I'm not back home now, or I'll definitely go mad if he's not home by mid-night. I mean, how can they let him work that late?? Its so unacceptable >:/
Sorry-la, I am in a bit-of-bitchy mode this whole week, I must say... hmmm...must be because of my jadual berkala coming soon...
Thursday, March 02, 2006
No more Dynamics!!!
After much sleepless nights and stressful thinking, I have decided to drop my Dynamics module. I figured I wanted to try it out first and at least have a back-up should my other module choices are going to be difficult. But alas, I couldn't get myself out of bed at all this morning. Thus, I'm taking it as a sign that Dynamics and I will not have a lasting relationship. So, I gave it up!
Today, I vow to start studying on my past 2 modules and finish the courseworks by next week. Then I am going to really concentrate on my future 2 modules. I haven't really sat myself down properly since the start of this semester. Therefore, I have to start concentrating on my studies already. The holidays are going to be my busiest months coz my cousins are coming to visit in April and my darling Hubby is coming in May.
OH! I forgot to announce that Dr Kapas have confirmed on my PhD offer with him :) I'll be doing Lightning Protection of Wind Farms and the offer comes with paid UK fees and maintenance allowance. The only set-back is, I have to fork out GBP6000 to cover the fees difference. I'm planning to write to PETRONAS next week and see how it goes.
Today, I vow to start studying on my past 2 modules and finish the courseworks by next week. Then I am going to really concentrate on my future 2 modules. I haven't really sat myself down properly since the start of this semester. Therefore, I have to start concentrating on my studies already. The holidays are going to be my busiest months coz my cousins are coming to visit in April and my darling Hubby is coming in May.
OH! I forgot to announce that Dr Kapas have confirmed on my PhD offer with him :) I'll be doing Lightning Protection of Wind Farms and the offer comes with paid UK fees and maintenance allowance. The only set-back is, I have to fork out GBP6000 to cover the fees difference. I'm planning to write to PETRONAS next week and see how it goes.
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