Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 6, 7 & 8 - Settling in

These 3 days I have noticed an improvement. I am not as hungry as the first few days. In fact I don't feel the urge to snack anymore. I guess my body is settling into the diet routine. I realised I'm more comfortable of having the shake in the morning, then a good normal meal for lunch and have the shake for dinner instead. This works better for me because the normal meal at lunch keeps my hunger at bay till dinner and I have more energy at work. Also, a shake for dinner works well as I don't do much at home anyways and Haidan keeps me occupied to not think about the lovely dinner Mama cooks. Since I don't want to miss out on Mama's cooking, I'll pack dinner for next day's lunch! Thus, I still have Mama's lovely cooking and save lunch money as well :)

Exercise wise, I have made the commitment to walk from my office to Leatherhead station instead of taking the coach - well it was easier this week coz the weather was lovely! Went to the gym on Friday (Day 8) and noticed I had more energy, compared to the first few times last week - I could barely survive 3 squats and was huffing & puffing when doing the bicep curls!!!

On my charteredship progress, Hubby was very kind to help type out my draft notes... (thank you sayang!!), since I type very slowly - I'm still those people who just can't hafal the keyboard and pauses every 3 seconds to check the screen for every word I type hehe...

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