Thursday, June 29, 2006

God never closes a door without opening a window....

Alhamdulillah, my prayers were answered. I received the official offer letter this morning as I rushed out to university. It took me quite a while to actually pinch myself to realise the letter is in front of me today. I am so relieved that I can finally sit down and relax after all the stressful weeks I've been through. I am very blessed this year and am ever so thankful to God Almighty for the opportunities that he has given me.

Amidst all the joy that my wishes for the opportunity to pursue my Chartered came true, I realise that my journey doesn't end here. There will be times that God will test us and take away something we've always wanted. But I believe that he does so for a reason.... we should have no regrets, as each tests makes us stronger and more determined to prepare ourselves for something much better that he will offer in the future.

I speak so because two of my close friends were being tested this week. To Serina, I will pray with you that your father gets well soon and that your whole family can be there for your graduation. To Devina, I will pray for your success for the chance to further your studies to a PhD. My prayers might not be much, (if compared to all the help & support that both of you have given me throughout my tough times here...) but I do hope it will assist to make it a bit easier to go through this.

For every ordeal or closed opportunity, there's always a hikmah behind it. God never closes a door without opening a window... my prayers & support are with you always....

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