Saturday, April 29, 2006

2 down... 2 to go!!!!

OK, today I officially finished 2 exams- the first (EEPS14) was last Wednesday and today was EEPS15.

I know that I didn't do well on EEPS14 coz I panicked half way through the exams, as I got confused with 1 simple formula and needed to go to the toilet so badly. I ended up screwing my answer sheets with loads of liquid paper and pencil marks that by the time I submitted it, I forgot what I actually wrote. I soon found out after that one of the questions that I thought I scored, was actually wrong- I used a wrong method to solve it!!! Sigh.... no point moaning anymore, what's done is done and let's FORGIVE & FORGET :(

Today's paper was allright. Of course I had my panic attack (and the need for the toilet, as usual)... but I managed to calm down at the end of it and got through quite well. If I'm not careless in my calculations, I should be OK.

So, since we are halfway through the exams, Wong & I had a mini-celebration. Wong treated me to a dim-sum lunch at Tai-Pan- so sedap!!!! We ate like mad until tak larat bangun! It was really good, thank you Wong!!! I like... :)

When I reached home, I took a deserving nap and at 5pm, I was off to work. Unfortunately, the internet was down the whole day and I had to endeavour numerous irritated and frustrated calls from the residents here. It was quite a challenge to calm them down... but all went well when the internet's up again just a few minutes ago....

So, now I have 2 more exams coming up next week- worst thing is its a back-to-back one! I'm all fired -up to finish this exam nonsense. I'll have to cover 2 modules at the same time. Its like killing 2 birds with one stone....

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