I'm so touched today as I received an email from my beloved Papa, wishing me a pre-Birthday wish. Since he will be away and might not have access to contact me in the next few days, he sent me a birthday wish, just in case. It has been a while since I made contact with him, due to both of our busy schedule.
I really look up to Papa. He's been through a lot in life... but still manage to smile and stay calm. He's a very wise man. He will always have something inspiring to tell and brighten up my days with his wise jokes. I respect him for being so patient and calm... a trait that unfortunately, I don't inherit. Oh, but he gives good presentations - the one natural skill that he passed on to me ;)
As I look back through the years, I realised that I didn't spend as much time with him. Due to life's circumstances, we had to be apart while I was growing up. I was too young to understand how it might hurt for a father, not being able to see his daughter growing up and live her childhood. As I mature, situations loosen and I was able to re-kindle our relationship. But I guess, by then, Papa have missed some of the best moments in my life. And I understand now, it must have hurt him to know that he couldn't be there.
So Papa, for this year's birthday, I'll blow my candles and make a wish for you. Thank you for your patience, love and strength for not giving up on me throughout all that has happened. May all your wishes come true and hope that this year will bring you so much joy and happiness that you truly deserve.
I love you, Papa...