Saturday, January 22, 2011

My big boy.... (and big bump!)

Last Wednesday, Haidan survived his first day with no nappies at the nursery and did very well. Colin (his carer) said that he went to the toilet himself twice and no accidents! Well done Haidan!!!.... (though macam sabor je lah kannn coz kat rumah meraung tak nak use the potty and accident memanjang!).

That evening Haidan also had his first independent swimming lesson without Hubby/me in the pool. Yes, he was the youngest and we could see he was very nervous at first... but he soon warmed up and did not cry at all throughout the lesson.

The fact that Haidan's now in underpants and us observing at the sidelines while he swims, hit us that my son is a big boy now..... he's no longer the little baby who I cuddled constantly in my arms while humming 'Negara ku' to sleep..... It feels just like yesterday we went home from the hospital with baby Haidan for the first time and admiring how amazing he was.

Speaking of hospitals, I have been recording this series on tv - One Born Every Minute. It's a documentary of the daily 'adventures' of a labour ward in Southampton. It's good coz it will help me with the expectation of giving birth to my second baby now that I am better prepared mentally this time around.

And speaking of baby, my bump is growing (s)well! Although I feel heavier, but I noticed the bump is growing at a better rate than I was carrying Haidan. Maybe because I did not indulge in food as much this time around. I remembered at 30 weeks with Haidan, I had loads of stretch marks already (my bump macam kena cakar harimau!). But this time, no stretch marks at all (well, yet!).... although I have to admit, badan dah ter-stretch (gemuk!) dah pun, so tak ada apa nak stretch sangat dah lah.... sigh...

Anyways, here's our latest pic, taken on my 30th week of pregnancy:

Haidan excited mode with me & bump:

Haidan jiwang mode with me & bump:

It's gonna be a busy day today - Haidan's tennis class, followed by swimming, and then grocery stock-ups and later to Amy's for dinner. Tomorrow hopefully we'll be at home coz I really need to catch up with the laundry and spend time with Hubby, as he's leaving for Dubai for 2 weeks on Monday (which I so NOT look forward to!)... sigh...

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