2am: Checked in St Helier's Labour Ward. I was 2cm dilated. Midwife advised us to get some rest as the next check will be at 6am.
6am: The morning shift midwives arrived- Lorraine and Amanda. My contractions are now more regular, I was 4cm dilated. The midwives had to strap me in with the fetal monitor but the reading was unstable as I moved a lot.
9am: The consultants came to visit and advised to put a proper hearbeat monitor clipped on baby's head for better monitoring. At this stage I started to use my gas&air.
From then onwards, I did not remember what time it was or who came by. All I can recollect was being very high on my gas&air and how I squeezed Hubby's hand every time a contractyion came. I also remembered Hubby giving me sips of water and lucozade in between contractions.
I remembered asking permission to have something to eat since I haven't had breakfast, but got refused just in case I needed a C-section (which made me more determined to tahan the pain). I also remembered getting into upright positions which helped ease my back pain and I kept remembering Haidan's face to ease the contraction pains.
11am: Consultant came in to check on me and I was already 6cm dilated. My water broke. Consultant found that my waters contained meconium.
12pm: I feel very strong urges to push but I wasn't fully dilated. I was begging them why am I not allowed to push but Hubby told me to just take in deep breaths. I think I did make loud noises and probably swore a bit - not sure coz too high on gas&air.
12.30pm: I was getting really irritated to push baby out. The consultant came in and gave the midwives a go ahead to proceed. Hubby saw baby's head crowning and I remembered pressing down and pushing as much as I can. I was so determined not to let the baby get stuck (and lead to distress and lead to forceps or emergency c-sect), that I just pushed without even waiting for the contractions.
12.53pm: Baby Hairee was born!
From then on, I was totally numbed out and high and could barely remember the placenta being out and had stitches coz I did tear. But it didn't matter coz I did it - I finally get to give birth naturally!!! I got my VBAC wish!!!