Tuesday, March 08, 2011

You know It's not too long now...

.... when it's a struggle wearing socks in the morning to rush to work!

OMG, time passes so fast. I'm gonna be 38 weeks this Friday - which means baby can come anytime now!

Yes I do feel a lot heavier and definitely more restricted when I move about. Though to be honest, I think I did quite OK with my weight gain this time around as compared with when I was carrying Haidan.

Firstly, I am all bump. Yup, my tummy seems to extend forward as the weeks go by... as compared to being 'wide' sideways when I carried Haidan.

Secondly, my weight gain is steady. I started of at 62kg and now I'm 70kg after 9 months.... as compared to baloon-ing from 54kg to 74kg when I carried Haidan.

Thirdly, I have virtually no stretchmarks on my tummy.... as compared to horrible red 'kena-cakar harimau' all over my tummy, hips and arms when I carried Haidan.

Hmmmm.... maybe I didn't eat as much as before and obviously Haidan kept me on my toes most of the time. Of course i'm grateful that this preganancy is going well, Insyallah.... but I'm also sad because I'm really gonna miss being pregnant.

I told Hubby that most likely we'll stop at 2 kids given the financial & support limitations we have in the UK. So, it will be sad when the time will come for me to pack-up all my maternity stuff. I did regret not taking more pictures this time around though.

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