Friday, February 24, 2006

My emotional journey week....

Tuesday morning, I had to face Dr Kapas to get my results. It was nerve-wrecking as I was not too confident with a distinction. But, Alhamdulillah, I passed with flying colours!!!! I achieved a high distinction average of 81.4% Was quite shocked actually... I'm so thankful to everyone who has prayed for me. Though, was a bit disappointed I didn't get to be 1st in class, I know at least I'm top 3.

The past week was a whirlwind journey of emotions for me. I dunno, I find myself irritated by simple things that usually didn't matter. I was so irritated by this kiasu classmate of mine (let's call him CiKia). In class, CiKia was always asking me things I worked so hard finding out, then stabbed me in the back and took over!!! I hate CiKia so much nowadays. I pray one day that these selfish bastards will suffer for what they've done! Everytime I see them, I feel like giving them a slap in the face >:(

Anyways, I have started applying for jobs. I worked on my CV and cover letter for 4 sleepless nights the past week and sent 4 applications to KBR alone. I've also re-submitted my project choices and unexpectedly chose Dr Pasir as my supervisor coz he's the man at the uni's Rolls Royce center. My plan is that if I can do well in his projects, I hope to get funding from the center (DHPA guaranteed!). The only thing is, I might struggle a bit coz its all about electrical systems for aerospace application! Totally beyond my oil & gas scope... but its worth the risk.

Today, there is a meeting with PETRONAS VP of Education, our dear Dr Rosti. Hope he still remembers me and is willing to give me a try to pursue a PhD under UTP. I will try to convince him as much as I can.

Basically, I have done my best to blanket myself to the unknown once I finish my Masters this September. I've taken the first steps. I'm really hoping to end up with either the below:
  1. Working at KBR to achieve my Chartered status,
  2. Complete my PhD under Rolls Royce or
  3. Complete my PhD with UTP.

Either one, I hope and pray that it works out. Pray for me too, OK?

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