On Friday, he seemed to get worst. His temperature still soared high and he still had his fit of shivers every 4 hours. Soon after, he started vomiting loads and refused to eat. We knew something was just not right. We called up the hospital again on Saturday morning and the GP told us to come in for a second look.
Our appointment was at 10.30am, but there were so many people that Saturday morning that by the time we were called in, it was already 11.45am. And just on time, Haidan had another shivering fit and his temperature was at 40deg when the GP saw us. He was a different GP and was baffled that Haidan did not recover after medication. When we told him Haidan was given Triamethraphin, he made a few calls, concerned that his temperature was still very high. He rushed us off to the Emergency unit (again!) and made us wait for the next Paediatrician.
We waited, and waited and waited.. and by 2pm, Haidan was checked in by Dr Elvis. He told us that the results were out and that his pH was a bit too high than average. The first antibiotics were not the 'optimal' one and they would replace with a new one - Tenkorex. He was also booked in for an ultrasound in the next 2 weeks and Haidan would have to go for a MCU (Micturating Cystourethrogram) at Queen Mary's Hospital in 6 weeks. They suspect he might have an abnormality in his ureters/kidneys.
We were finally done at the hospital at 3pm. Haidan was in a bad mood coz he was hungry. We didn't prepare anything!.. mana lah I tahu yang a 15min GP visit would turn out to be a 5 hour ordeal! We were supposed to go to Reading that weekend, but ended up orang Reading yang turun all the way to Sutton instead. So, Haidan was totally pampered by his Aunty Zihan and Uncle Jeril who stayed the weekend for him.
Alhamdulillah, thanks to the tender loving care from Aunty Zihan and Uncle Jeril (sampai Haidan menangis drama OK, bila diorang nak bye-bye balik Reading), Haidan is recovering well now. He hasn't had any shivering fits since and his temperature is back to normal after the new antibiotics.
Now, we just have to wait for the ultrasound and MCU appointments. I don't know how I'm going to cope when Haidan goes through the MCU- apparently they will do an internal X-ray of his kidneys with a tiny plastic tube put into his urethra.... I'm very sure I will faint!
We'll pray for Baby Haidan's fast recovery... i have the feeling Haidan is missing the Footie season already :) kidding...
Hope he is doing fine today... Where is Papa Haidan?
we will pray for him too tomorrow at church okay......m sure with the love & all the prayers send out for our haidan by all of us he will recover and be well soon.......miss you guys........
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