Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Things that make you go “GGGrrrrrrrrr!!!!”

Another tag from Marisa.

Here are the things that make me so Gerrrraaammmm!:

1. When Hubby can never, ever be on time when it comes to my or Haidan’s appointments!

2. When Hubby can be very punctual when it comes to his work (see item no1.. Grrrr…. sabo je lah!)

3. The dreadful feeling when British viral flu hits you- the GPs can't do anything, the weather makes it worst and despite cups and cups of Lemsip Max Plus, it will take you at least a week to fully recover!

4. Facebook applications and quizzes that forced you to invite innocent people BEFORE you can reveal the anticipated results.

5. Receptionists with that rude “look” (a.k.a assumes you are an asylum seeker seeking for free healthcare, just because you have a different skin colour, not knowing that nearly half of your professional pay goes to taxes to support ‘their’ benefits)

6. Stupid visa and immigration rules

7. Selfish people who think the whole world needs to revolve around them - If you have a problem, fix it! Whining and complaining all day won’t solve anything.

8. The day you left your umbrella at home is the day the rain decides to pour!

9. Kiasu people who purposely do not queue or ‘cut line’ – hate them!

10. After all the effort to get Haidan ready to go out, with matching shirts and pants and shoes and coat all, he suddenly berak and soiled himself just as we are about to leave the house….(especially when we are already late- see item no1).

Now who would I tag???... my usual suspects, of course.. hehe!

• Mate
• Devina
• Ibdil/ Ezah
• Lolyta/ Fabmama
• Dian
• Ghaz
• Sherie
• Fina
• Zura Chikong


Vasantha said...

noticed that something has been removed.....:-)

Anonymous said...

what what what???

*that's my mummy being kepoh...*