Friday, January 18, 2008

Me Me of Me

I got tagged by Marisa (thanks dear!).

So here goes:

The rules:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules.
- List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
- Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
- Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

List eight (8) random facts about myself:
1) I am an only child with my single mom, whose a recovered schizophrenic- I'm proud of her and I love her to bits!

2) I HATE, HATE, HATE taugeh! Yes, I will take the effort to pick and throw each taugeh out from my dish. Though, Hubby used to do it for me during the old courting days... sigh!

3) Regardless of what Hubby says and think - I love Spice Girls, I love Posh Spice and I love David Beckham... full stop!

4) I was an aerobics instructor and used to teach part time 4x a week around KL and PJ. During my zaman-zaman kegemilangan, I was more known as an aerobics teacher, than my full time actual job as an engineer...

5) I'm not into sports cars- I'm a 4WD gal. My first (and only) car is my KEMBARA and I hope one day I can afford the BMW X5.

6) I love roller coaster rides- during a summer at uni, I went to work as a roller coaster ride assistant at Minnesota, USA for a month!

7) I'm quite organised and colour code almost EVERYTHING - my work notes, filing, schedules, lists etc- my baju mesti matching-matching with shoes & accessories, OK!

8) I love cats, tigers and all felines. I'm very passionate towards tiger conservation and have been actively donating to Malaysia's tiger reserve project since 2000. I get really upset if I see documentaries or news involving feline poaching.

I am tagging the following people (unless they have done it already):
- Mate
- Vasantha
- Mar
- Devina
- Fina
- Ibdil
- Ghaz
- Dian

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