Saturday, January 12, 2008


Since my last post, our home's broadband got disconnected- one of the many dramas caused by my very kurap ex-housemate (don't want to talk about him, waste of blog space only!). So, I had to live by with Hubby's office blackberry to hook up to the net, which was such a pain to type & navigate with la... so kecik the keyboard! So, I gave up and abandoned cyberspace altogether. In a way, it was quite good coz I finally had the time (and no more excuses) to start working on my Quarterly Reports and memorising the lyrics and dance moves for my Spice Girls Concert.

Alhamdulillah, yesterday we got a new broadband connection- with AOL pulak. It was so worth the wait- it's so much faster than our old kurap TalkTalk.. plus dapat offer free PS3 (you can imagine Hubby's over-excitement lah kannn! Takper lah, since he had to endure a Spice Girls Concert... kasi chance laaahhh...)

Oh my, so much to post about - from my trip to office, to Haidan's first day out and of course a full review of the Spice Girls Concert! I'm still uploading the pics and will post it as soon as I sort out my emails and 200+ Facebook requests while I was away!

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