We started the day a bit off-track than planned... err, OK lah correction: "very" off-track than planned. We were supposed to catch the 9am train to London, but unfortunately we woke up at 9.30am gara-gara overslept tak dengar alarm. By the time we got Haidan ready, board the train and arrive London Victoria (where the HiCom is), we only had 20minutes before the office-amik-nombor closes. So we ran like mad and Alhamdulillah made it as the last ones of the day. Phew!
Haidan was still fast asleep amongst the rushing chaos. Hubby insisted we take this photo to mark Haidan's 1st London visit.
Once in HiCom, we filled in numerous forms for Haidan's official registration and passport application. Haidan woke up and I pulak yang restless takut he would scream any moment... but he kept his cool. So, we waited for our turn...
Me (in relax mode): "Not yet dear, we wait. Now smile at the camera.."
Haidan (in irritated mode): "Mama is it our turn??!!"
Me (in panic mode): "Err.. Still not yet dear. We wait some more, OK... Errr.. Haidan don't mengamuk yek, smile, eheh..."
Haidan (in sleepy mode): "Mama, will we ever get our turn?.. (yawn)"
Me (also in sleepy mode): "Entah lah naaak... sabor je lah..."
After another hour later, we finally got called and at last, we got ourself registered. Two hours after that, Haidan's passport was ready for collection.. Hooorrraaayyy!!! We laughed out loud when we saw his passport- since Malaysian passport photo MUST have blue background (why ahh???) and here in the UK, all official photos are of white background, the HiCom office put a blue tint over his photo. Thus, his pimply red cheeks on the photo now looks purple!! Hehe, takperlah.. janji passport siap!
On the way back, Haidan was wide awake enjoying his train ride and behaved really well, despite the coach being crowded with Londoners rushing home.
Once we reached home, we were knackered! What a trip- actually the travelling was not too bad la, it was the waiting that was exhausting. And as expected, Haidan terus pengsan- slept like a baby and survived his London drama like a true trooper!