The mission: To drive a Ford Transit, overloaded with boxes of Manchester treasures from Manchester to Guildford to London to Sutton, then continue journey to Dubai and finally to Kampung Baru.
Day 1
In the morning, Hubby and Wong started to load our stuff in the Ford Transit. We left Manchester at 5pm after saying our farewell to Q3 Apartments. We drove for nearly 5 hours from Manchester to Guildford. Hubby was the pilot, while I co-piloted the journey. We arrived at Hawari's and had the best telur sambal dinner ever. Had a good night rest.
Day 2
Left Guildford around noon and faced the London traffic to Euston to drop off Sis Serina and her stuff. Rushed out of London, but got caught up in bad traffic. Managed to arrive in Sutton around 4.30pm. Me & Hubby checked out Sutton and it was so happening. Its definitely the place to stay! We then drove down to Leatherhead via Epsom... oh my God, it was totally a dead town at 7pm... and that's a Saturday night! The decision to stay in Sutton was justified!
Day 3
Had a hearty breakfast and went to Guildford town with Hawari. Many salutes to dear Hawari for having us! Thank you!!!

After our farewell hugs, Hubby & I then rushed off to Gatwick Airport to send off the Ford Transit. At the airport, we had to go through the gruelling security clearence. I almost had to leave my Beanie Pillow coz my hand luggage couldn't fit the restricted size allowance. But, with a little bit of drama, both me and the Beanie pillow got through fine.. hehe
Day 3.5
Arrive in Dubai. Our flight got delayed. Bad news for Hubby, but excellent news for me.... can't let the time go to waste, so I did some serious shopping, hehe. Bought perfume, MAC lipstick, Lancome make-up and Braun Silk Epil set. Boarded the flight to KL with a happy smile :)

Day 4
Arrive in KLIA safely and met up with Papa & Mummy. By 11.30pm, arived in Kg Baru, greeted by our darlings, Boboy & Baby with love.

Mission accomplished!