Friday, February 15, 2008

Sorted :)

Yeayyy!! Thank you for all the advice to help me out on Haidan's travels.. you guys are a gem :)

So now, we are getting a stroller courtesy of Haidan's godmummy Vasantha and sampai KL je Auntie Nina will pinjamkan her carseat. I'm so excited now that it's sorted!

My Operasi Februari update:

1) Ops 1: Operasi Nurseri - I've registered Haidan in his nursery and later today will be our first trial run. I'm leaving him there for a couple of hours to get him used to the surroundings. I've also started Haidan on formula for lunch... he's quite OKlah with it, no allergic reaction or anything. Sorted!

2) Ops 2: Operasi Lesen Pandu - Got my provisional license and have enquired around for my driving lessons. I've already made up my mind on this one school and hopefully we can start after Easter. Planning to take up my tests in April so that I can drive dah when I start work full time. Sorted!

3) Ops 3: Operasi Kuruskan Badan - Though still have not been exercising, I have successfully given up my Nutella & Doritos suppers... so that's a good start lah kot.. eheh.

4) Ops 4: Operasi Shopping Sakan - Hampir pokai because I took Mama shopping instead. Though knowing that I takkan sempat kurus by the time I start work, I did buy 2 pairs of size 12 working pants for £5 each. Primark rocks! Sorted!

5) Ops 5: Operasi Celik IT - Skip!... for now.

6) Ops 6: Operasi Imbas Kembali - Alamak, tak buat lagi. Sure Hubby bising... better start sorting this out by next week.

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