A special message to my best friend, Vasantha, who turns 31 today :)
Also, birthday shout-outs to Ezrul and my brother Danial.
Happy Birthday, may all your wishes come true!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Tips on melaram!
I was about to do my report... and then I got bored (as usual, sigh..). So, I browsed through the net, trying very hard to avoid ebay (ebay is eviiilllll!) and other shopping sites. Then I bumped into this one. Its a web from this quite pretty girl on how to apply make-up and do your hair. Its so cool! What makes it different is that she demos on herself, rather than someone doing make-up on someone else. This is an excellent tutorial if you need help.. especially for people like me yang tak reti pakai make-up. I love how she does her eyes- brilliant!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Its 2 am...
... and I can't sleep. Mostly because I slept through the evening with Haidan. He's been quite grumpy and clingy the whole day. I can't really do much. Everytime I put him down, he'll scream his lungs out. Not sure why though. Its either I dukung him or I have to lie with him on the bed.. baru dia settled.
I was trying to start packing for our Reading trip this weekend and also gearing up for our trip home to Malaysia. But everytime he saw me putting things in our luggage he gets really upset. This really reminds me of Boboy when I was packing up to leave to UK last year. Stress di buatnyer!! Sabor je lah.
So, now I'm trying to get some things done.. very quietly while Haidan is fast asleep in his bassinet. Hopefully I can pack as much as I can and get to sleep soon. Its going to be a busy day tomorrow- we're going for our 3rd settling session at the nursery and then a trip to the post office.
I was trying to start packing for our Reading trip this weekend and also gearing up for our trip home to Malaysia. But everytime he saw me putting things in our luggage he gets really upset. This really reminds me of Boboy when I was packing up to leave to UK last year. Stress di buatnyer!! Sabor je lah.
So, now I'm trying to get some things done.. very quietly while Haidan is fast asleep in his bassinet. Hopefully I can pack as much as I can and get to sleep soon. Its going to be a busy day tomorrow- we're going for our 3rd settling session at the nursery and then a trip to the post office.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Thank you Mummy Vasantha :)
Dear Haidan,
Your surprise from Mummy Vasantha arrived today- its a lovely light stroller for you to use in Malaysia nanti. Mama had quite a struggle reading the manual to put it up together but voila...

You loved it when Mama tested the stroller around the living room. But sorry sayang, you can't use the seat yet until you're a bit bigger. So, when we balik KL nanti, we can use the frame and attach your car seat instead!
Anyways, to Mummy Vasantha and Daddy Shasi- thank you so much for the lovely present. Can't wait to go strolling together in KL! 10 days more to go and counting!
Your surprise from Mummy Vasantha arrived today- its a lovely light stroller for you to use in Malaysia nanti. Mama had quite a struggle reading the manual to put it up together but voila...
You loved it when Mama tested the stroller around the living room. But sorry sayang, you can't use the seat yet until you're a bit bigger. So, when we balik KL nanti, we can use the frame and attach your car seat instead!
Anyways, to Mummy Vasantha and Daddy Shasi- thank you so much for the lovely present. Can't wait to go strolling together in KL! 10 days more to go and counting!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sorted :)
Yeayyy!! Thank you for all the advice to help me out on Haidan's travels.. you guys are a gem :)
So now, we are getting a stroller courtesy of Haidan's godmummy Vasantha and sampai KL je Auntie Nina will pinjamkan her carseat. I'm so excited now that it's sorted!
My Operasi Februari update:
1) Ops 1: Operasi Nurseri - I've registered Haidan in his nursery and later today will be our first trial run. I'm leaving him there for a couple of hours to get him used to the surroundings. I've also started Haidan on formula for lunch... he's quite OKlah with it, no allergic reaction or anything. Sorted!
2) Ops 2: Operasi Lesen Pandu - Got my provisional license and have enquired around for my driving lessons. I've already made up my mind on this one school and hopefully we can start after Easter. Planning to take up my tests in April so that I can drive dah when I start work full time. Sorted!
3) Ops 3: Operasi Kuruskan Badan - Though still have not been exercising, I have successfully given up my Nutella & Doritos suppers... so that's a good start lah kot.. eheh.
4) Ops 4: Operasi Shopping Sakan - Hampir pokai because I took Mama shopping instead. Though knowing that I takkan sempat kurus by the time I start work, I did buy 2 pairs of size 12 working pants for £5 each. Primark rocks! Sorted!
5) Ops 5: Operasi Celik IT - Skip!... for now.
6) Ops 6: Operasi Imbas Kembali - Alamak, tak buat lagi. Sure Hubby bising... better start sorting this out by next week.
So now, we are getting a stroller courtesy of Haidan's godmummy Vasantha and sampai KL je Auntie Nina will pinjamkan her carseat. I'm so excited now that it's sorted!
My Operasi Februari update:
1) Ops 1: Operasi Nurseri - I've registered Haidan in his nursery and later today will be our first trial run. I'm leaving him there for a couple of hours to get him used to the surroundings. I've also started Haidan on formula for lunch... he's quite OKlah with it, no allergic reaction or anything. Sorted!
2) Ops 2: Operasi Lesen Pandu - Got my provisional license and have enquired around for my driving lessons. I've already made up my mind on this one school and hopefully we can start after Easter. Planning to take up my tests in April so that I can drive dah when I start work full time. Sorted!
3) Ops 3: Operasi Kuruskan Badan - Though still have not been exercising, I have successfully given up my Nutella & Doritos suppers... so that's a good start lah kot.. eheh.
4) Ops 4: Operasi Shopping Sakan - Hampir pokai because I took Mama shopping instead. Though knowing that I takkan sempat kurus by the time I start work, I did buy 2 pairs of size 12 working pants for £5 each. Primark rocks! Sorted!
5) Ops 5: Operasi Celik IT - Skip!... for now.
6) Ops 6: Operasi Imbas Kembali - Alamak, tak buat lagi. Sure Hubby bising... better start sorting this out by next week.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
How ahh???
Nothing much happened since the makan-makan. Haidan got his 2nd jab and as expected, he had a slight fever. But since dia dah besar sikit, he's now good at merengek-rengek if he doesn't get his dukungs, hugs and kisses. Sabor je lah...
On another note, I finally received my provisional driving licence (and my passport!) in the post. I was dead worried that my passport would be lost in transition and that I wouldn't go back home this coming March. Speaking of which, we've got 2 more weeks to pack and I'm confident I'll be in panic mode as to what to bring and what not to bring for the journey with Haidan along.
Since it is a long haul flight for Haidan (he'll just turn 3 months then), I was wondering whether we could bring his buggy with him to the cabin? I mean tak larat lah nak dukung dia all the time while waiting for the flight, especially when I have to tend to the luggage and Mama without Hubby around (Hubby's flying in 2 weeks later).
I have seen people with strollers around the waiting lounge but most strollers are for 6months and above, right? Haidan still can't sit unassisted. At the moment, he's using his car seat, which attaches to the buggy frame. Can I bring his car seat in the flight with me? To those with experience- help please!
If I were to get a sling/ carrier instead, then sampai Malaysia nak jalan-jalan leceh pulak, especially if we eat outside (which we definitely will!).
Hmmm.. how ahhh????
On another note, I finally received my provisional driving licence (and my passport!) in the post. I was dead worried that my passport would be lost in transition and that I wouldn't go back home this coming March. Speaking of which, we've got 2 more weeks to pack and I'm confident I'll be in panic mode as to what to bring and what not to bring for the journey with Haidan along.
Since it is a long haul flight for Haidan (he'll just turn 3 months then), I was wondering whether we could bring his buggy with him to the cabin? I mean tak larat lah nak dukung dia all the time while waiting for the flight, especially when I have to tend to the luggage and Mama without Hubby around (Hubby's flying in 2 weeks later).
I have seen people with strollers around the waiting lounge but most strollers are for 6months and above, right? Haidan still can't sit unassisted. At the moment, he's using his car seat, which attaches to the buggy frame. Can I bring his car seat in the flight with me? To those with experience- help please!
If I were to get a sling/ carrier instead, then sampai Malaysia nak jalan-jalan leceh pulak, especially if we eat outside (which we definitely will!).
Hmmm.. how ahhh????
Monday, February 11, 2008
Gong Xi Fatt Chai Makan-Makan
Me and my mates here have made a pact that we'll always try to get together for makan-makan to celebrate Malaysia's festive spirit. Last Saturday, we celebrated Chinese New Year at Holiday Villa London, where they've laid out a special Gong Xi Fatt Chai buffet spread. We conquered 4 tables altogether! It was so much fun meeting with everyone again, we truly enjoyed the food and the company- so kecoh I tell you. Can't wait for the next one!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Operasi Februari
I plan to keep myself busy this month. There are so much things to settle before we all pack up and balik kampung for a month in March. Then in April, I will start work already. Its gonna be really difficult to adjust I bet, mostly due to the fact that I'll have to cope without Haidan for 10hours straight in a day and worst still Hubby & I will be independent to keep the house a home because Mama will not be here. Yes, its sad because Mama could not be granted a visa to live with us- she'll have to come in and out of the UK every 6months... (hmm... which reminds me that we might need to apply for a frequent flyer membership for her lah). I think its more sad to acknowledge the fact that Mama will be all alone in Kg Baru for the first time in her life. Though she said she's going to be OK, deep down I can see the frustration in her eyes knowing that soon her loved ones will be far away from her and that 6 months would feel like an eternity.
Because Mama won't be around when I start work, I was busy looking around for nursery arrangement for my Baby Bubbles. So far, I've been to 6 already and my god the childcare here is soooo expensive... I mean a return flight ticket to M'sia once a month pun lagi murah! Hubby & I did contemplate to bring a relative or nanny from Msia to help take care of Haidan at home while we work but it proved to be difficult to find the right person to leave all their commitments in Malaysia and stay here every 6 months to ganti Mama. So, we decided to send Haidan to the nursery instead until his Nenek's next visit-&-stay.
So below are my Operasi Februari:
1) Ops 1: Operasi Nurseri - Need to confirm booking for Haidan's enrollment this April. I found a good one in Sutton, a bit of a walk but the place is so much better than the rest I've seen. Its pricey but worth it coz Haidan will have one sole key carer and is inclusive of nappies, formula milk and 4meals a day. So, I'll have to bring him from next week onwards to practise him (and myself!) settling in the nursery.
2) Ops 2: Operasi Lesen Pandu - I need to (legally) drive now in the UK, especially for those just-in-case cases with Haidan when Hubby's not around. I've sent out my application to apply my British driving licence. Now have to wait patiently (and anxiously sebab my passport is with them now) for the provisional driving card (and my passport!) to arrive within the next week. Hopefully no dramas coz I would need my passport on time for my flight back home! Then, its organising my mandatory driving lessons to fit my schedule in April.
3) Ops 3: Operasi Kuruskan Badan - This Ops is a bit overdue.. eheh. I'd have to stop eating junk food and start exercising vigorously again. I can't fit all my work clothes anymore lahhh... how ahh???
4) Ops 4: Operasi Shopping Sakan - This Ops will only be valid if Ops 3 fails. Then, I have no choice but to buy an all-new-all-out well fitting working wardrobe.. (sigh... with an evil grin.. hehe)
5) Ops 5: Operasi Celik IT - Yes, I'm a bit the buta IT compared to all my mates. Since I was pregnant, I have always wanted to reorganise my photos, learn scrapbooks, build a canggih blog for Haidan's milestones and make the most of my iCal, iWeb and iPhoto. I would need to sit down and go through the online tutorials.. but this proves to be a bit difficult when you have a baby who seems to get hungry every time I turn on the laptop...
6) Ops 6: Operasi Imbas Kembali - This is an important one. I need to sort out and finish my report on my past engineering experiences with Petronas. The hardest part is to remember all the technical stuff I've done for the past 5 years and compile them ready for review for my Chartered application. Need to do this before I balik so that my ex-bosses (if they are still around) can sign and verify.
Hmmmm... looks like I'm a bit too optimistic with my Operasi Februari. Well, better make the most out of it now while Mama is still around to help out with Haidan. Wish me luck!
Because Mama won't be around when I start work, I was busy looking around for nursery arrangement for my Baby Bubbles. So far, I've been to 6 already and my god the childcare here is soooo expensive... I mean a return flight ticket to M'sia once a month pun lagi murah! Hubby & I did contemplate to bring a relative or nanny from Msia to help take care of Haidan at home while we work but it proved to be difficult to find the right person to leave all their commitments in Malaysia and stay here every 6 months to ganti Mama. So, we decided to send Haidan to the nursery instead until his Nenek's next visit-&-stay.
So below are my Operasi Februari:
1) Ops 1: Operasi Nurseri - Need to confirm booking for Haidan's enrollment this April. I found a good one in Sutton, a bit of a walk but the place is so much better than the rest I've seen. Its pricey but worth it coz Haidan will have one sole key carer and is inclusive of nappies, formula milk and 4meals a day. So, I'll have to bring him from next week onwards to practise him (and myself!) settling in the nursery.
2) Ops 2: Operasi Lesen Pandu - I need to (legally) drive now in the UK, especially for those just-in-case cases with Haidan when Hubby's not around. I've sent out my application to apply my British driving licence. Now have to wait patiently (and anxiously sebab my passport is with them now) for the provisional driving card (and my passport!) to arrive within the next week. Hopefully no dramas coz I would need my passport on time for my flight back home! Then, its organising my mandatory driving lessons to fit my schedule in April.
3) Ops 3: Operasi Kuruskan Badan - This Ops is a bit overdue.. eheh. I'd have to stop eating junk food and start exercising vigorously again. I can't fit all my work clothes anymore lahhh... how ahh???
4) Ops 4: Operasi Shopping Sakan - This Ops will only be valid if Ops 3 fails. Then, I have no choice but to buy an all-new-all-out well fitting working wardrobe.. (sigh... with an evil grin.. hehe)
5) Ops 5: Operasi Celik IT - Yes, I'm a bit the buta IT compared to all my mates. Since I was pregnant, I have always wanted to reorganise my photos, learn scrapbooks, build a canggih blog for Haidan's milestones and make the most of my iCal, iWeb and iPhoto. I would need to sit down and go through the online tutorials.. but this proves to be a bit difficult when you have a baby who seems to get hungry every time I turn on the laptop...
6) Ops 6: Operasi Imbas Kembali - This is an important one. I need to sort out and finish my report on my past engineering experiences with Petronas. The hardest part is to remember all the technical stuff I've done for the past 5 years and compile them ready for review for my Chartered application. Need to do this before I balik so that my ex-bosses (if they are still around) can sign and verify.
Hmmmm... looks like I'm a bit too optimistic with my Operasi Februari. Well, better make the most out of it now while Mama is still around to help out with Haidan. Wish me luck!
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