As usual, I've kept myself busy just lazing around at home with a good book, while sorting out much needed laundry. This time around I was washing up Baby Bubbles' baby clothes - ok lah, it sounds a bit silly but most of Baby Bubbles baju are from sale racks & outlets and I felt more comfortable washing them up first before she/he can wear them. Baby clothes are so cute & since Baby Bubbles will be a winter baby, I've got her/him loads of fluffy warm sleep suits, with matching fleecy hoods & boots. My mummy instincts have definitely kicked in big time- I got tears in my eyes just looking at those cute tiny sleepsuits!
Also, have started working on my reports... finally. Didn't quite have the time during the weekend to start it off because I was busy out & about with Hawari in London. We went on this duck tour, which was really good. Its like a tour of London's Westminister area by road and then straight into river Thames on this special amphibian bus- quite cool la... especially when the vehicle plunged into the river part, I was quite impressed. The friendly tour guide was very funny explaining the touristy sites along the way. Here's some pics from their website:

After that, we went to Malaysian Hall for yummy nasi campur. Orang kat Malaysia Hall sampai dah kenal dah - asyik muka I je yang melantak nasi - the pregnant minah with all the lauk on her plate! Ada ikan keli, OK.... mana lah tak melantak gila! heheh.
Alrighty... have to continue writing me reports... (yawning)... though rasa macam mengantuk la plak... Hmmm...I might take a break and have a nice walk outside for a while to get some fresh air. Better enjoy this summery day while it lasts- its going to be our last holiday until Christmas!