You reported that the whole of last week would be an awful week with heavy rain. But come bank holiday weekend, the sun will be shining again.
So, we booked our family outing ticket to Hampton Court Palace for Sunday.
4 days ago:
You reported that Friday & Saturday is going to be sunny, but expect very heavy rain (possibly flooding) on Sunday. However, bank holiday Monday will have some showers in the morning, and the sun will shine again later in the day.
So, we cancelled Sunday’s plan and postponed the trip for Monday instead – tickets bought & sorted!
During the bank holiday weekend:
Saturday – Cloudy with heavy wind
Sunday – Sunny, bright & warm
Monday – Torrential rain non-stop throughout the day!
Thus, thanks to you Mr Weatherman, our anticipated fun day out in the sun at Hampton Court turned out to be a miserable one. We got home with frizzed-out hair, muddy shoes and soggy socks!