This is exactly how I sound like in the office today.
The weather has been really crazy - one minute it is so boiling hot, the next raining ice.
Plus, I haven't really had a good rest lately.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
I'm devastated that MJ has passed away. We were all so excited to go and see him live this 1st Aug in London O2. But I guess, it was not meant to be. Rest in peace MJ.
Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon
Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon
Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon
Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon
Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon
Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon
Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon
Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon
Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon
Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon
Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon
Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon
Sunday, June 21, 2009
You'll never walk alone....
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
(if you think the above is so poyo, wait till you see the picture below)...
I guess if Hubby & Haidan can withstand my SpiceGirls obsession, I think it's fair I'll tolerate theirs. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
Our Hamley's Trip
Yes, as promised we brought Haidan to the oldest toy store in London - Hamley's.

Hamley's was organised - each floor serves its own function. There was gadgets and computer stuff (LG), teddy bears and cuddly toys (GF), games & puzzles (1F), babies & toddlers (2F), all-about-girls (3F) and all-about-boys(4F). So, it was easy for us to navigate through.
Haidan was a bit scared on the GF coz there were so many teddies and animal cuddlies. He was not fond of the big tigers and lions (which Mama was all crazy about!). But he loved the deco - he can't stop pointing out the colourful stars on the floor and the scattered demo toys around.

His favourite area was obviously where all the In The Night Garden toys were. He spent the majority of his time looking at the In The Night Garden books.

It was not overly crowded as expected, though we did go quite late and there wasn't any sales or anything. I must admit I was a teeny bit disappointed probably because I was expecting it to be so huge and full of toys and live characters and music and... (yes, I imagined it to be like Disneyworld!). But that aside, Hamley's was what it is, a toy store which the kids would love to go. Although it is not as big as ToysRUs, but there's something about the atmosphere in Hamley's that makes you wanna be a kid again.
Hamley's was organised - each floor serves its own function. There was gadgets and computer stuff (LG), teddy bears and cuddly toys (GF), games & puzzles (1F), babies & toddlers (2F), all-about-girls (3F) and all-about-boys(4F). So, it was easy for us to navigate through.
Haidan was a bit scared on the GF coz there were so many teddies and animal cuddlies. He was not fond of the big tigers and lions (which Mama was all crazy about!). But he loved the deco - he can't stop pointing out the colourful stars on the floor and the scattered demo toys around.
His favourite area was obviously where all the In The Night Garden toys were. He spent the majority of his time looking at the In The Night Garden books.
It was not overly crowded as expected, though we did go quite late and there wasn't any sales or anything. I must admit I was a teeny bit disappointed probably because I was expecting it to be so huge and full of toys and live characters and music and... (yes, I imagined it to be like Disneyworld!). But that aside, Hamley's was what it is, a toy store which the kids would love to go. Although it is not as big as ToysRUs, but there's something about the atmosphere in Hamley's that makes you wanna be a kid again.
Monday, June 15, 2009
A wonderful weekend
I have vowed to lock myself up last weekend in order to get my Chartered form over and done with. However, I have failed miserably because the weather was so nice and we did not want to miss a good opportunity for Haidan to get some well-deserved fresh air in the park. We went to Hyde Park in London and Haidan had a blast with his Ummi running around chasing the pigeons, admiring the trees and flowers and telling the dogs off at the park.
Although I don't have any regrets as we had so much fun as a family last weekend, I can't help feeling so anxious the moment I woke up this morning - knowing that my CEng form has yet to be completed. I have so little left to do but my procrastinating is taking over me. I promised my boss and manager that I'll get it submitted in Mid June. Today marks the middle of June and I'm still struggling...
Oh God please give me the strength and focus for me to complete this as soon as possible. To tell you the truth, I'm getting so fed-up with it already! The sooner I get this out of the way, the sooner I can enjoy being free to go anywhere and do anything without feeling guilty.
Although I don't have any regrets as we had so much fun as a family last weekend, I can't help feeling so anxious the moment I woke up this morning - knowing that my CEng form has yet to be completed. I have so little left to do but my procrastinating is taking over me. I promised my boss and manager that I'll get it submitted in Mid June. Today marks the middle of June and I'm still struggling...
Oh God please give me the strength and focus for me to complete this as soon as possible. To tell you the truth, I'm getting so fed-up with it already! The sooner I get this out of the way, the sooner I can enjoy being free to go anywhere and do anything without feeling guilty.
Friday, June 12, 2009
7 hours to go....
Tick tock tick tock....
Yes, I'm bored and can't wait to go home. Sure, there's still loads more work to do in the office but suddenly I just miss being home, with my Haidan kemetot.
Am counting the hours till I catch the train back to Sutton and pick him up from the nursery. Aside from the long tiring walk and horrible weather ahead, I'm so looking forward to Haidan's cheeky smile, serabut hair and twinkling eyes.... ahhhh.. priceless!
Tick tock tick tock....
Yes, I'm bored and can't wait to go home. Sure, there's still loads more work to do in the office but suddenly I just miss being home, with my Haidan kemetot.
Am counting the hours till I catch the train back to Sutton and pick him up from the nursery. Aside from the long tiring walk and horrible weather ahead, I'm so looking forward to Haidan's cheeky smile, serabut hair and twinkling eyes.... ahhhh.. priceless!
Monday, June 01, 2009
Haidan's Kidney Scan Drama
We woke up really early as the appointment at St Helier is at 8am. When we got there, we had to wait an extra hour coz the nurse told us the doctor's on leave so they are trying to find an available doctor. Hmmmm..... sabor je lah.
The procedure was to stick a tube on Haidan's veins and then inject a radioactive liquid into him. 3 hours later, he has to return and will then have to be sedated and put through an X-ray machine to check his kidneys.

So, while waiting for the doctors, the nurse put a numbing cold cream on the top of his hands and also in the crease of his elbows. She said he will have to wait for 30mins before they can cucuk a tube on the numb areas. While she was preparing the cream and tape on his arms, Haidan behaved really well. While waiting he played in the play room, waving hellos to the other girls in the ward and was walking all along the hospital corridors macam pak jaga doing his rounds, hehehe. All the nurses made way and gave him a bow as he passed them by! hehehe.. quite over lah jugak kannn...
45 minutes later, the doctor arrived and he was taken into another room. Haidan was OK when suddenly the doctor decided to cucuk him on his wrists instead! He said he could not see a proper vein line where the numb cream was and so dengan tanpa segan silu Haidan obviously brought the whole ward down by screeching his head off!!! Can you imagine how painful it must have been! My poor darling was crying and screaming in pain. They placed the tube in and gave time for Haidan to settle. Not long after that, Haidan was whisked away to the radioactive unit for the injection. I was not allowed in the room but I (and the whole hospital, I think) could hear Haidan crying. Siap makcik tua waiting with me outside for her turn, macam dah takut dah!

After that ordeal, we had to wait for 2 hours. The nurse told us NOT to let him sleep coz he needs to take his sedatation medicine before the x-ray. My poor baby dah letih giler and Hubby and I had to dance, sing and prance silly to keep him stay awake... he wasn't amused at all though....
3 hours past and the nurse came with a syringe full of purple liquid which she claimed to be very drowsy and that Haidan might get a "little tipsy" before he will doze off. Unfortunately, Haidan was on a real high!!! He was swinging and turning like a drunken master all over the ward and could not stop talking ala-ala bahasa Mandarin "ooohhh... cheih...ahhhh..chieeee... pu cer tauuuu... cher tauuuu....". Drama gak lah. 5 mins later terus terbongkang berdengkur OK! Power gila the ubat!

They then whisked him off to the radioactive unit again and strapped little Haidan in those MRI-look-alike machine. It was like a scene from Superman when they had to put baby Superman in a space ship with a rotating circular entrance! Me and hubby seperti biasa macam jakun were busy snapping photos lah kannn!

Half an hour later, the much sedated Haidan was brought back to his ward. The nurse told us to try to wake him up so that they could check he's eating and drinking OK before letting us go. Hmmmm... after all the trauma he had to go through plus the potent liquid in his body, obviously it took him 2 hours before he actually wakes up mamai-mamai. Hubby and I sampai dah tertidur kat kerusi waiting for him to wake up. When he finally woke up, he was treated with yummy toffee apple muffin and milk and we were allowed to go home.
Phew! What an adventure! Mama and Papa are so sorry that you had to go through all these today, sayang. But because you were such a brave boy, Papa promised that he will treat you to Hamley's OK. You were a super trooper and we're very proud of you. We hope the results of the kidney scan will be OK, Insyaallah...
The procedure was to stick a tube on Haidan's veins and then inject a radioactive liquid into him. 3 hours later, he has to return and will then have to be sedated and put through an X-ray machine to check his kidneys.

So, while waiting for the doctors, the nurse put a numbing cold cream on the top of his hands and also in the crease of his elbows. She said he will have to wait for 30mins before they can cucuk a tube on the numb areas. While she was preparing the cream and tape on his arms, Haidan behaved really well. While waiting he played in the play room, waving hellos to the other girls in the ward and was walking all along the hospital corridors macam pak jaga doing his rounds, hehehe. All the nurses made way and gave him a bow as he passed them by! hehehe.. quite over lah jugak kannn...
45 minutes later, the doctor arrived and he was taken into another room. Haidan was OK when suddenly the doctor decided to cucuk him on his wrists instead! He said he could not see a proper vein line where the numb cream was and so dengan tanpa segan silu Haidan obviously brought the whole ward down by screeching his head off!!! Can you imagine how painful it must have been! My poor darling was crying and screaming in pain. They placed the tube in and gave time for Haidan to settle. Not long after that, Haidan was whisked away to the radioactive unit for the injection. I was not allowed in the room but I (and the whole hospital, I think) could hear Haidan crying. Siap makcik tua waiting with me outside for her turn, macam dah takut dah!

After that ordeal, we had to wait for 2 hours. The nurse told us NOT to let him sleep coz he needs to take his sedatation medicine before the x-ray. My poor baby dah letih giler and Hubby and I had to dance, sing and prance silly to keep him stay awake... he wasn't amused at all though....
3 hours past and the nurse came with a syringe full of purple liquid which she claimed to be very drowsy and that Haidan might get a "little tipsy" before he will doze off. Unfortunately, Haidan was on a real high!!! He was swinging and turning like a drunken master all over the ward and could not stop talking ala-ala bahasa Mandarin "ooohhh... cheih...ahhhh..chieeee... pu cer tauuuu... cher tauuuu....". Drama gak lah. 5 mins later terus terbongkang berdengkur OK! Power gila the ubat!

They then whisked him off to the radioactive unit again and strapped little Haidan in those MRI-look-alike machine. It was like a scene from Superman when they had to put baby Superman in a space ship with a rotating circular entrance! Me and hubby seperti biasa macam jakun were busy snapping photos lah kannn!

Half an hour later, the much sedated Haidan was brought back to his ward. The nurse told us to try to wake him up so that they could check he's eating and drinking OK before letting us go. Hmmmm... after all the trauma he had to go through plus the potent liquid in his body, obviously it took him 2 hours before he actually wakes up mamai-mamai. Hubby and I sampai dah tertidur kat kerusi waiting for him to wake up. When he finally woke up, he was treated with yummy toffee apple muffin and milk and we were allowed to go home.
Phew! What an adventure! Mama and Papa are so sorry that you had to go through all these today, sayang. But because you were such a brave boy, Papa promised that he will treat you to Hamley's OK. You were a super trooper and we're very proud of you. We hope the results of the kidney scan will be OK, Insyaallah...
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