Oh my... it has been a while since my last post but so many things and memorable events has happened since, I don't know where to start! Apologies for the long silence, am so touched to some who even sms-ed/ emailed asking whether I'm OK.. (a.k.a dah terberanak ker?? hehe).. Don't worry, everything's OK- Baby Bubbles is still comfy inside me.
So below are my excuses for not blogging in awhile:
Excuse #1: Hubby & Mama arrived!!!
Yup! At long last, the wait is finally over... Hubby & Mama arrived safely on Tuesday 9th October together with 80kg of combined luggage! So life have been hectic trying to sort out space for the bags and boxes (which comprises mostly of my food cravings from Malaysia.. hehe). Since my HM has not moved out yet, we can't really settle a lot of things just yet...
Excuse #2: Selamat Hari Raya!!!
Timing was just right when Hubby & Mama arrrived- terus raya on Friday 12th October. So, in the middle of work, unpacking, kemas-ing the house and jet-legged layan-ing, we were preparing for our raya. We went to London on that Saturday raya to meet up with our close friends at Holiday Villa. After that rushed to Jeril's open house. On Sunday, I had to follow Hubby to his boss' open house and then rushed home to greet our friends who came to my place for makan-makan. Pictures will follow.
Excuse #3: Paris Weekend
Errr... yes... I actually went for a 4days 4 nights trip to Paris last weekend. It was all a last minute thingy that Hubby had to cope- he was forced to watch the Rugby World Cup finals in Paris to entertain some clients. It was supposed to be the long weekend together we planned to go to a London Baby Show/ Exhibition to start buying for Baby Bubbles. But since Hubby had to work, he decided to drag his mak-buyung wifey all the way to Paris (or risk facing the ultimate emotional tantrum of the year!). So, yes... like a true Parisian, (while Hubby worked watching muscular-sweaty-bloody-men-on-top-of-each-other-biting-their-ears-off, just to catch an oval shaped ball across a field), me the Madamoiselle went waddling through les shops along Champs d Elysees, enjoying devilish pain-au-chocolat while watching the sun set at the Arc de Triomphe. Though I must admit, waddling a 20kg bump into designer boutiques without Hubby (and Hubby's credit card for that matter!), wasn't all that fun. A seperate post (with pictures) should follow suit.
Excuse #4: Work
The weeks post-Excuse#2 and pre-Excuse#3, has left me rushing through to finish a lot of work in the office. Nak check my gmail pun tak sempat tau.... :(
Excuse #5: The return of the Kiasu Hubby
Since I can't access my blog due to Excuse #4 at the office, one can retaliate and justify that I should have time to blog when I get home then, right?.. errr WRONG! Yes, living with a self-confessed kiasu Hubby means that I have to give in everytime he wants the space to hog the laptop and internet... and for some strange reason, Hubby just NEEDS to use the internet for work everytime I was about to launch my browser. By the time he's done with the internet, I'm already sprawled on the bed all snorring till next morn. Oh well, bersabor je lah...
So, excuse me for the excuses. I will upload the pictures and post them up soon... So watch this space!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
SPICE GIRLS - Here I come!!!

I am so excited!!!!
I don't care what you might say, but I love the Spice Girls to bits. I have all their albums and bought their books and even went with my girlfriends to their concert in London Earls Court back in 1999 and had a fabulous time!
When the news broke out last June that they will be reuniting for a concert in December, I immediately checked out their website and register to be in the priority waiting list for updates on the concert. I so want to go for it, even though I know that Baby Bubbles will arrive early December.
Then last weekend, they announced that the Spice Girls will be playing at 02 Arena a week before Christmas and then back on 2 January 2008. I knew that 2 Jan should be OK- (a.k.a Baby Bubbles should arrive by then!) and tried booking the tickets. Browsed through and got good seats.... but then had to ask Hubby first, so decided to wait till he's in a good mood lah- lepas dia buka puasa, at home and rested. When Hubby finally succumbed to let me go (and worst still temankan I sekali!) I then tried booking the tickets again. Alas, I was shocked that by then all the tickets SOLD OUT!!!! Nak nangis OK... so devastated.... so sedih... so emo...
However, found out this morning that due to huge demands, they've added extra dates in January. So, dengan penuh rasa kiasu yang berkobar-kobar, I managed to whisk up 2 tickets, best seats in the house, for Friday 11 January 2008. Perfect!!!! I should finish my pantang by then, just nice to be allowed to have a good night out.
Hooorrraaayyyyy!!!! (Even though dah pokai paying for the tickets and its gonna be mid winter and Hubby would be cursing me throughout the concert nanti but I don't care) coz I really, really wanna, wanna zig-a-zig-ahhh....
Monday, October 01, 2007
Hmmmm... so true...

"This easy-going pair will go out of their way to provide everything a child could possibly need -- at least at first. Problems could arise when Cancer's "must" list for the perfect child gets long enough to cut into Taurus' creature comfort budget. Cancer will literally begin to sacrifice non-essential items (Plasma TVs, fancy furniture, a new car) if there's not enough to give baby the latest and greatest of everything. Taurus is always more than happy to provide anything that can be procured with "disposable" funds, but when the choices arre private dancing lessons or sports coaching for a 3-year-old versus a new leather couch or country club membership, Taurus will probably draw the line. This can be worked out by endless discussions that Cancer is quite unlikely to win. Better for Cancer to give the bull what it wants, and stash away a separate fund for indulging beloved baby."
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