Friday, July 27, 2007

Hubby's coming to town!

Just when I thought that I'm going to spend another weekend bored and miserable amidst the horrible summer weather, Hubby called to tell me he'll be taking the first available flight to London besok for a meeting on Monday. Hoorraaayyyy!! I can get to see Hubby again. Even Baby Bubbles are all excited kicking frantically when Hubby called. Yes, my baby has started to kick... I noticed Bubbles loves doing it if I listen to music or when I'm doing my pre-natal aerobics DVD... dia pulak yang seronok- especially the scoop-scoop roll bit.. hehe..

I've gained quite a lot of weight and from the books I read, I really need to get good exercise. So, I've started walking to work, instead of taking the company coach from the rail station- its a good 15minutes walk. Balik kerja pulak, if the weather's not too bad, I'll go to the gym and swim... but if the weather's horrible, I'll stay home and do my Davina McCall Pre-Natal Workout DVD... Yoga doesn't seem to work for me lah. As soon as I start the yoga DVD warm-up, the part when the instructor says "Relax, inhale deeply and close your eyes, imagine the sound of the sea..." I started yawning. By the time I realise it, I'm already sprawled on the mat, tertidur half way through the DVD dah!

Anyways, I'm packing my stuff- meeting Hubby in London besok petang and spending the weekend with him. He's returning to KL on Tuesday night. I know I won't get to spend much time with him coz he'll be busy working, but at least its comforting to know that he's near.

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