Six months have passed (time flies!) and it was time for Mama to leave us again. This year's departure was particularly sad because Haidan is a little bit bigger, hence he can interact with his Nenek. In fact they have formed such a close bond, Haidan was always excited to go home from nursery to tell Nenek what he had been up to. They spent so much time together - Mama being the one yang layan whatever Haidan wants to play. They cooked, they did gardening, getting wet washing the balcony and even mandikan Haidan's toys! Things that I rarely have time to layan Haidan with, to be honest.
I could see Mama left with a heavy heart at the airport, as soon as it was time to go. I'm sure she will miss him very much - she didn't want to talk about it when I asked her... that's Mama. She won't show emotions.
Hubby has been gone travelling for work (yet again) since last week. So, after Haidan and I sent Mama to the airport - it was just the 2 of us left. I wasn't worried being on my own to take care of Haidan - I was far more concerned on how Haidan was feeling when suddenly Papa & Nenek are no longer around.
But Alhamdulillah, he was OK. Yes he did ask about Nenek and Papa now and then but he didn't dwell too much on it. The best part was last night:
Haidan: Mama, where's Papa?
Me: Papa gone to work.
Haidan: Oooh.... Mama, where's Nenek?
Me: Nenek gone home.
Haidan: Oooh... everybody's gone now. Mama, dont be sad okkaaayyy. Haidan's not gone....
And he gave me a big hug.