Yes, I’m alive again.. after a week long of heavy doses of morphine (with added ibuprofen and occasional paracetamol for extra uummph!), I’m now back on my slightly-swollen-feet, but am feeling a lot better.
It has been a little more than 2 weeks since Haidan arrived and I can still remember the drama I was going through to have him:
Friday, 16th NovMy last day at work before I go on leave. After my colleagues threw me a big farewell do, I was busy the whole day packing stuff to bring home. Did quite a lot of heavy lifting- files, folders, books etc. My boss siap tegur, “Careful with that, we don’t want you to give birth now do we??” I looked at him and coyly replied with my ‘Don’t-be-silly-lah-My-baby’s-due-on-1st-Dec-only’ grin on my face.
Saturday, 17th NovSpent the whole day in bed, with my lazy mode on full. Hubby tried to convince me to wake up and start kemas to prepare the baby stuff. Dengan nada bongkak, I responded, “Alaaa… relax ah bro… lama lagi lah nak beranak…” and pulled the duvet over my head to continue my journey into slumberland..
Sunday, 18th NovSuddenly had the urge to makan besar, especially tetiba teringin sangat nak makan pengat durian. So, forced Hubby to drive 3 hours worth of traffic up to Oriental City in North London, where we all melantak dim-sum, nasi campur, roti canai planta, teh tarik etc. Managed to bungkus fresh durian, so that Mama can cook me my pengat. Was smiling ear to ear with a full tummy on the way home. I woke up in the middle of the night and ‘curi makan’ 2 ulas durian, hoping that Mama won’t notice.
Monday, 19th NovAt around 4am, my water broke. Panic.
Midwife advised us to come in to the hospital and said that I should be in labour within the next 12 hours. My reaction, “Huh??? Alamak, camana nie.. We haven’t prepared anything yet. Damn the durians!”. More panic. Gobbled up a handful of Ferrero Roche to calm me down.
Tuesday, 20th NovAfter 24 hours, still no major contractions yet. The obstetrician came in and ordered me to be induced. Hubby was quick to suggest that I have epidural before the induction. The sight of the needle literally sent shivers down my spine… (thank God I had my Ferrero Roche to help me forget and relax). Within 20 minutes, I was all numb waist down (due to the drug) and a bit high waist up (due to Ferrero Roche overload). We were to wait until I was readily dilated to start labour. Hubby and I (and a couple of the midwives) resorted to watching Desperate Housewives on our laptop. It seemed to be the longest wait ever…
Wednesday, 21st NovAfter more than 8 hours of waiting, I wasn’t doing much progress at all. The obstetrician came up to me and said that Baby Bubble’s heart rate is slowing down and suggested that we opt for a caesarean. After much persuasion that it’s for the best (plus she promised that she’ll do the most perfect incision with dissolvable stitches), I succumbed and was then whisked away to the surgery theatre. After that, it was more drugs and I can’t remember much, (except the part when I can see Hubby all excited putting on his ER costume and sempat posing bergambar lagi!). They put up a screen so we can’t see the works. At 2.39am, the surgeons announced “It’s a BOY! Congratulations!!!” and soon after I heard my baby’s cry - it was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.
And thus, begin a new chapter of my life.... motherhood. Cool...