I started work again and was back in the office during Ramadhan. Since the news of me resigning broke out, my boss had no options but to not give me any work. Such blessed offering forced me to spent most of my time in the office solving a full book of Sudoku puzzles, checking my office mail and reading fashion magazines.
Hubby, on the other hand was forced to stay late at work, making it quite impossible to spend quality time with me. Thank God, my best friend Vas kept me occupied most of the time watching box set DVDs of CSI and Desperate Housewives, in a bid to save my Hubby from my boredom attacks. My best friend Mar, is also back from Dubai... so it was fun hanging out with the girls agian. We're only waiting to secure a date with Mate to have one of our girly night outs soon. Karaoke perhaps? Fun! Can't wait!

Aidilfitri preparation was done at a minimum, due to our financial constraints this year. Even more so since we recently spent a fortune for Boboy's medical treatments. Boboy was admitted TWICE this Ramadhan month. First he was attacked by the notorious Kg Baru gengster-cat and got his tail injured. The doctors had to shave half his tail to treat the wound. After he got out of hospital, the same evening he was attacked yet again by a bunch of gangster-cats and this time got his head slashed. Boboy had to have stitches on his forehead and admitted once again. So, Boboy is basically grounded for life now.

Aidilfitri celebration was very simple this year too. However, its the most memorable one as it was the first for me, Mama & Hubby being all together for Raya. We woke up quite early in the morning, went Raya prayers and salam for forgiveness. Then, had our usual Raya makan-makan. By evening, we went to visit my aunties and ate some more. Me makan so banyak!!! But it was worth it la.... it will be a long time till I get to eat Mama's famous lodeh & rendang again.

Since I'm officially a full-time penganggur, I made myself useful around the house doing laundry, the dishes and cooking lunch for Hubby. Its not too bad staying at home- kinda enjoy it, especially when I have my lovely boys (Boboy & Baby) with me. I have less than 2 weeks before I return to the UK.... so will definitely make the most of my stay. Its going to be so sad when I leave though... I will surely miss my family and dear friends :(